
New pages

I have posted several pages on this site which were on the old site, links to which may be found at the top of this blog.  They are still a work in progress, and I have to fix all the internal and external links and make other updates.

I also made changes to the decimal times in the sidebar.  For the local decimal time, I now use the Excel (for PC) serial date, which includes local time as a fractional day, the same as the calendar date in the title bar.  I also moved the French republican date (Calendrier Républicain) into the same gadget and made it update with decimal seconds.

So the decimal time is represented in up to five different time zones:
  • Excel for local time
  • NASA/NORAD Two-Line Element for Universal Time = GMT
  • Julian Date for astronomical time = GMT + 12h
  • Swatch for Biel Mean Time (actually Central European Winter Time or British Summer Time) = GMT + 1h
  • Republican calendar for Paris mean time (temps moyen de Paris) = GMT + 9m21s
MJD 55248.125

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