All Republican calendar dates on this site are according to The Original Calendar, with years starting on the day of equinox, unless specified otherwise. I know that some prefer the revised calendar, which would be easier to use, but TOC was the only one actually used.
Times are editor in your browser’s local time, Paris Mean Time, or temps moyen de Paris (t.m.P.), as it is the obvious universal time zone for time stamps here. It is defined the Meridien de Paris, the longitudinal line that runs through the Paris Observatory, used by Metropolitan France in previous centuries for telling time and navigating the world.
At the time of the Revolution, there were no time zones, and every city kept its own time by observing the sun, which varies compared to local mean time. PMT is ahead of GMT, or UTC, by 9 minutes 21 seconds sexagesimal (6 minutes 49 seconds decimal).
Today, France uses Central European Time, which is one or two hours ahead of the hated Greenwich time, depending on the time of year. But had Revolutionary time taken off, I’m sure we’d all be on Paris Time now!
15 Ventôse year CCXXXI @ 4h 41m 94s PMT
L 'an deux cent trente un de la République française une et indivisible le second quintidi le jour quinze du mois de Ventôse à quatre heures quarante un minutes quatre vingt quatorze secondes décimales du t.m.P.
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